TikToker Claims She Is “Suing” Her Parents For Giving Birth To Her Without Consent

TikTok user Kass Theaz, with over 142,000 followers, stirred buzz with a video claiming she would sue her parents for having her without consent. Surprisingly, she revealed she’s an adoptive parent in another video, viewed 2.5 million times. Theaz explains, “I sued my parents because I didn’t consent to being born…I just didn’t consent to…having to support myself.” She jokingly adds, “I’m making that my life mission to teach children to sue their parents.”

Clarifying later, Theaz says adopting differs from birthing because “it’s not my fault that they’re here.” Commenters debated her sincerity, with some labeling it satire. Theaz clarified her intent, stating, “I thought it was obvious that I was joking…It shows how little people research before reacting.” Despite the confusion, her message about consent and responsibility sparked online chatter.

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