Sad news about Brad Pitt – The announcement was made by the actor himself

Actor and producer Brad Pitt shared some devastating news with his fans recently. The Fight Club star spoke to QG and revealed he’s been struggling to recognize people’s faces, a condition medically known as prosopagnosia or “face blindness.” With a worrying tone in his voice, the famous Hollywood star revealed that he hasn’t yet been officially diagnosed with the condition, but he is…

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Fans Say Suri Cruise Looks like a ‘Female Version of Tom Cruise’ as She Turns 18 — How She Changed through the Years

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s daughter, Suri, divided fans with her look in new photos days before her 17th birthday. A source reportedly explained Tom’s alleged reason for his years-long non-existence in Suri’s life, a child who’s transformed from a little girl into a young adult. The now 18-year-old Surie is reportedly already applying to…

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My Daughter Kept Taking an Extremely Heavy Backpack to School – I Realized Why When I Finally Met Her Bus Driver

Juliet, a single mom, loves raising her nine-year-old daughter, River, by herself. River pushes her to be better. But after a while, Juliet begins to notice fierce independence taking over River—wanting more responsibility and autonomy. But then Juliet discovers a secret that comes with River’s backpack, and a hidden friend comes to light. Life as…

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